Unlock the power of presuasion

Amplify influence to get better deals done faster. Coaching & services helping power players & professionals build trust & boost online reputation.

  • Attract attention

  • Increase influence

  • Build trust

  • More sales

  • Faster deals

  • Better career

  • Impact & legacy

Get my best advice in your inbox a couple times a month 👇


Thanks to Daniel & the team, now my reputation truly does preceed me! From politicians to society impresarios, attention & influence gets me more of what I really want – lasting impact.

Judy Liff Barker, Visionary & Philanthropist, judyliffbarker.com

Amplify attention & influence

Hi I'm Daniel, Founder of Legend Media – Let me explain how I help professionals look their best online & Email me any time.

magnetic marketing machine for power players & professionals

Everything to amplify influence on autopilot


If you have clients, you need this. Professionals sell trust, and nothing builds trust more than word of mouth. Your prospects believe it when they hear it from someone just like them (not you).

Power Players

Unlock the power of presuasion to get deals done before you even introduce yourself. Impress everywhere, look great on Google & create your own luck.

We've simplified all the complicated stuff into 3 steps that change everything 👇

Attract → Amplify → Action

Attract dream prospects

Dream prospects are your ideal buyers, partners & team members. Create a magnetic marketing machine that attracts them all on autopilot.

Amplify relationships

Work less & stay more connected with prospects, clients & partners all at the same time by sending compelling emails regularly.

Transform attention into action

Boost your brand to attract more of everything you want – be a thought leader on social media, your own email newsletter & more without ever logging in.

Attract attention & amplify influence on autopilot

Look great on Google with a custom Showcase website that turns your expertise into the ultimate online resume in only 15 minutes of your valuable time

Impress everywhere

Complete personal branding package including logos, business cards, letterhead, gift coin & more

Thought leadership

Look like a thought leader without ever logging in to social media & start your own email newsletter with our help

Your success stories build trust

You talk, we turn it into captivating stories published as blog posts, videos, social media posts, emails & more

Be unforgettable

Give a wow-worthy gift they'll remember forever with your own custom coin design


Do it yourself free or get better results faster together

Get more (or less)

Fractional Chief Marketing Officer + entire team for one flat rate

Launch your online reputation

Launch plan is a complete personal branding package including custom website, logos & much more to attract attention, amplify influence & build trust.

Boost your influence

Boost plan turns a short interview into success story blog posts & videos to boost your online reputation & look great on Google.

Ongoing Essential services

Our Essential plan is everything for maintaining your personal brand for one flat rate – online reputation, social media, email newsletter & more.

Personal branding for power players & professionals

Magnetic marketing attracts











We help professionals launch, boost & maintain a stunning online reputation to amplify influence & get better deals done faster using their own success stories to look great on Google & beyond.

Fractional Chief Marketing Officer

Get the advice & accountability you need to meet growth & business goals with a dedicated CMO coach (for a fraction of the cost of a part time employee).

Magnetic Marketing Machine

Strategy + systems to transform attention into action and convert leads into loyal lifetime buyers on autopilot plus new revenue streams that pay for ourselves (when we find what works & do more of it).

Unlimited Marketing Services

We build, optimize & maintain your digital marketing with unlimited services by one unified team of specialist experts for one flat rate that's easy to budget for. Simple.

Look great on Google with the ultimate online resume website

You want more attention & influence but don't know where to start. You want to control your online reputation when someone Google's your name. Plus you're busy.

That's exactly what our Launch plan is designed for. You'll love the new you that only takes about 15 minutes of your valuable time for a complete personal brand boost.

Relax - your online reputation is in good hands.

Amplify influence

Your online reputation is the new designer business suit. Look like a million bucks online in only 15 minutes of your valuable time.

Impress everywhere

Complete personal branding package – custom logos, graphics, fonts & colors, business cards, letterhead, seal stamp, gift coin & more.

Showcase expertise

Your custom Showcase website is the ultimate online resume to showcase your expertise & build trust with clients, partners & prospects.

Look great on Google

Own your name online & make a stunning first impression when someone Google's your name.


Do it yourself free or get better results faster together


Showcase your successes to boost your brand

Boost plan builds trust with prospects, partners, buyers, clients & more. You talk, we turn it into attention-grabbing stories that boost your online reputation & showcase your expertise, published as blog posts on your Showcase Site – all in only one hour of your time.

Yep, it really is that simple.

Build trust

Turn your success stories into captivating blog posts & videos that build trust with your audience & prospects.

Get found online

The blog posts are carefully crafted to build your reputation with search engines like Google so you get found online and pop up first (SEO).

Captivating stories

We turn a short interview into blog posts published on your website with photos & more.

Upgrade for videos

We video your interview and create 60 second highlight clips, 3 minute sizzle trailers & one 45 minute feature video.

Do it yourself free or get better results faster together

Look like a thought leader without ever logging in

We make it simple to be a thought leader on social media to attract more of everything you want – deal flow, opportunities, power partners & more.

We turn a short monthly interview or voice memo into a steady stream of blog posts, social posts, your own email newsletter & more so you impress everywhere.

Thought leadership

Give us 30 minutes a month & we'll ghost write & publish your email newsletter, LinkedIn, social media & more.

Attract partners & deals

We'll create & run your partner program to identify & keep you connected to dream partners for more deals, referrals & opportunities.

Expense it

We'll help you get it expensed to your corporate marketing budget.

VIP introductions

Get connected to our Alliance partners for even more opportunities.


Do it yourself free or get better results faster together


"Everything looks so beautiful I even impress myself! I consider this one of the best investments I've ever made in my professional career. I didn't realize how much it helps build trust with my patients & referral partners. I can't recommend Daniel & the Legend Media team highly enough."

Mihir J. Desai Specialist surgeon, mihirjdesai.com

Magnetic marketing by legend media

Get a smart start to attract everything you want

If you're like most, your "marketing" got built backwards – years of random half-baked solutions all duct taped together instead of starting with the end goal in mind. It's time for something totally new.

If you're ready for growth without guessing, you need the right strategy, the right system & the right team. We've got all three ready to grow just for you.


Clarify & amplify your message to show up everywhere your dream buyers already pay attention.


Transform attention into action to convert leads into loyal lifetime buyers.


Influence is power. Get better deals done faster, unlock more opportunities & create your own luck.


Amplify your message & mission to build trust & inspire action for generations.


Who you know is everything. Get word of mouth working to exponentially grow deal flow, referrals & affiliates.


Your team IS your business. Attracting A level players is the quickest way to get 10x results for only about 2x the cost of B level players.


Get a Fractional Chief Marketing Officer

Stop guessing & start growing

Grow the right way starting today

Get private one to one coaching with your own fractional Chief Marketing Officer for the perspective, advice & accountability you need to achieve your goals & grow your business. Perfect for busy business owners, small teams & corporate marketers.

Personalized guidance

Get better results faster with instant access to decades of marketing experience for guidance to accomplish your business goals.

Exclusive access

Your time is valuable. Message your coach between monthly call sessions for quick responses to maintain your momentum.

Save time

Stop wasting time guessing, learning the hard way, doing it all yourself or hiring & firing disappointments.

Save money

Get six-figure salary skills & experience for a tiny fraction of the investment. Plus no legal, taxes, benefits or hiring & firing headaches.

Trends & concepts

We research what's working right now so you get all the benefits without the work to stay relevant.


You're never alone. Get the accountability you need to succeed. Dreams take work, and we're in it together.


Get the expert help you need to succeed

Unlimited team + unlimited services = unlimited growth

Partners for even more











We win when you win bigger. If you need more help, we can do everything for you with unlimited marketing services for one flat rate that's easy to budget for. Get connected with our Alliance specialists, power partners & get new revenue streams that (eventually) pay for ourselves. Sound fair enough?

Like the Avengers, we're better together. (Guess that makes me Nick Fury – without the eye patch).

Fractional Chief Marketing Officer

Winning starts with a winning strategy – get advice & accountability to take your business & brand to the next level for much less than the cost of even one lower level full time employee (plus no taxes, benefits, or hiring & firing headaches).

Alliance of Specialists & Partners

Our Alliance includes top talent we bring in when their specialist skills are needed to boost your business. You get better results from one unified team with one leader and one strategy (vs. wrangling a herd of fly-by-night freelancers or being just another number at a big faceless agency).

New Revenue Streams

Work less & make more with completely new revenue streams we bolt onto your business. Many of these require no work from your team so it's essentially free money. Affiliate products, partner products, sponsors, licensing, digital products & much more.

B2B & B2C Digital Products

Skyrocket profit by selling ultra high margin digital products with zero inventory costs and fulfilment headaches. We create & sell digital products for you to transform your audience & your bank account.

Partner, Loyalty & Affiliate Programs

Everything you want someone else already has. We create & grow partner programs including referrals, loyalty, affiliates & influencers to expand connections & explode sales.

Need something else?

Let me know what you need and I'll go recruit the talent to help us all win bigger together.

How are you different than other "marketing"?

Great question. You know how both Nike & Sketchers keep your feet from getting burned on the scorching summer sidewalk, yet you would kill for one and wouldn't be caught dead in the other one? That about sums it up.

What if I want less (or more)?

I'm here to help share successes without the scars. Read the newsletter free for almost all my best advice, go premium for more, get a coaching plan that fits your needs & budget or get a service plan. Get in touch if you want help picking the perfect path for you.

What if I already have marketing, website, email, etc.?

We work with established businesses so they all pretty much have "something." If it's not broken, we don't fix it (there's a lot more to work on, believe me) until it becomes the biggest bottleneck limiting your business, then we'll talk about making a change.

What if I already have a marketing team?

Most established businesses already have "somebody", so we mesh into your existing team, develop the strategy, put the right players on the team & get started.

Clients usually want us to take the CMO or project manager role and manage the whole "marketing" thing so they get one leader with one vision (and they don't have to deal with the headaches anymore). We're flexible and want the best for your business. But we're not scared of hard conversations if a team member change will serve you better.

What if I'm a marketing employee at a company?

We're here for you too! A coaching plan might be perfect for you to get an outside perspective & concepts you can execute with your team. When you need skill specialists to enhance your team, our Alliance can help with that too.

What they're saying

Isn't it your turn to win bigger together?


"Working with Legend Media feels refreshingly different. The patient stories build trust, which as a doctor is everything. Plus I doubled my online reviews and now people can actually find my website when they search for it! And I love how the emails keep me in their inbox in a fun way."

Paul Gray, MD Specialist surgeon, drpaulgray.com

I'm speechless! My expectations were high but I never imagined my own stories could look like this. I had no idea showing up first on Google gets better deals done faster but it does!"

Joseph N. Barker

Developer, Award-Winning Author & Philanthropist, josephnbarker.com


Select Prestige Marketing portfolio

There will never be another you. That's why bespoke & custom crafted just for you is all we do. Personalized references available upon request.

Be unforgetable everywhere – screen, print & in person

Coaching & unlimited services with our famous Worry-Free Guarantee





Your reputation is everything

More relevance, more influence, more results. Start with the right-sized plan for today & change or pause any time. It's time to invest in yourself – you deserve it.


Prestige personal brand & showcase site

Personal branding package including custom website, logos & much more

$22K $9k


prepay bonus available

Includes Worry-free guarantee

Launch your personal brand right:

  • Influence gets better deals done faster

  • Takes only 15 minutes of your time

  • The ultimate online resume

  • Look great on Google & beyond

  • Reputation & personal brand marketing

  • Get launched in only 30 days

  • Fractional Chief Marketing Officer + team

  • Much less cost than a full time employee

  • Complete personal brand strategy

  • On-trend website with up to 5 pages

  • Branding: logos, fonts, colors, graphics

  • Custom business card designs

  • Custom letterhead & envelope seal

  • Custom coin design

  • Project management dashboard

  • See task priority & status at a glance

  • VIP support with dedicated advisor

  • Message or call when you need us

  • Alliance referral program benefits

  • Pause or change plans any time

  • Worry-Free Guarantee

  • Price For Life Promise

  • Interview turned into written blog posts

  • Interview turned into videos

  • Ongoing marketing to stay relevant

  • Unlimited personal brand marketing

  • Thought leadership without ever logging in



Everything in Launch Plan plus written blog posts for SEO reputation boost

$32K $18k+


prepay discount available

Includes Worry-free guarantee

Everything in Launch plus:

  • Takes only 1 hour of your valuable time

  • Written stories published as blog posts

  • Boosts Search Engine Optimization

  • In-person or screensharing interview

  • Audio recording with transcript

  • Includes up to 10 written blog posts

  • Optional Video Upgrade (Add $25k) 

  • Video includes clips, trailers & 1 feature

  • Fractional Chief Marketing Officer + team

  • Much less than one full time CMO

  • Ongoing marketing to stay relevant

  • Unlimited personal brand marketing

  • Thought leadership without ever logging in



Flat rate marketing services to keep your personal brand polished 

$5K $3k+

per month (NO CONTRACT)

prepay discount available

pause or change plans any time

Essential services for one flat rate:

  • Look like a thought leader without ever logging in to social media

  • Only 30 minutes a month of your time

  • Social media posts, email newsletter, more

  • Perfect for existing personal brands

  • Fractional Chief Marketing Officer + team

  • 1/5th the cost of only one full time CMO

  • Unlimited done for you services

  • Unlimited tasks, tweaks & tests

  • 1 service request at a time

  • SpeedPlus - Upgrade for faster results

  • Prioritize & knock out your to do list

  • Project management dashboard

  • See task priority & status at a glance

  • VIP support with dedicated advisor

  • Message or call when you need us

  • Alliance referral program benefits

  • Pause or change plans any time

  • Worry-Free Guarantee

  • Price For Life Promise

Skip the line & start now

We move power players to the front of our wait list but to ensure a premium experience we only launch two new clients a month. Email me & include any background info, social links, etc. and I'll send a link to book a quick free call to explore more. Looking forward to it!


FINELY CRAFTED IN Music city usa

Email me any time

Some of my marketing superpowers

More impact

There's not a lot of marketers using their persuasive supwerpowers to create the next greatest generation 🎖️. If that resonates with you, get in touch.

More leverage

I like thinking WHO not how – who else already has everything you want? How can you give so much value they glady give you what you want?

More influence

Discover the art & science of presuasion with Prestige marketing & personal branding to get deals done before you even introduce yourself.

More sales

I only do marketing that sells (vs. just looks pretty). Grand slam offers so good they'd be stupid to say no, lead gen, partners, product portfolios, pricing & much more.

More action

It's all about action. Selling, influencing, impacting, leading, persuading, inspiring, empowering – it's all action, and nothing transforms without action.

More of what works

I help us all remember the 3 golden rules of magnetic marketing:

  1. Just start
  2. Test then invest (don't guess)
  3. Do more of what works

Greatness is designed with the end in mind

How will we help you?

Fractional Chief Marketing Officer + entire team to boost your brand & business

Luminaries, influencers & experts

Own your audience & monetize your message with email, landing pages, digital products, partner programs & beyond.


Sell more to your best buyers with magnetic marketing machines that attract & sell on autopilot, Chief Marketing Officer coaching & services.

Power Players & Professionals

Amplify influence to get better deals done faster. Look great on Google & be a thought leader without ever logging in with Prestige Marketing.

Family Offices, Foundations & Causes

Give back with max impact with Impact Marketing. Everything to go from idea to impact & beyond.


Why your marketing isn't making more money (and how to fix it)

Grab my Magnetic Marketing Cheat Sheet: Fix These Top 6 Profit-Killing Problems In Under 6 Minutes. 

  • Take the guesswork out of driving more sales with your marketing budget (not just looking pretty). I'll walk you through the top 6 fixes step-by-step, so you know exactly what to do.

  • Get the tools and strategies you need to take action. The cheat sheet includes a detailed PDF guide (including templates and checklists).

  • Create your own Perfect Product Portfolio for max profit. I'll walk you through how to sell the right products to the right buyers at every price point.


I want to see you succeed without the scars – where should I send it?

Free Legend Letter newsletter. No spam. Unsubscribe any time, no hard feelings.

Get 💎s in your inbox

Get the best stuff I've found to max out attention, influence & sales in your inbox a couple times a month (unless I'm gone on extra epic adventures).

You're only one idea away


© Legend Group | Finely crafted by Legend Media ★